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Introduction to Geebis

Geebis is a web-based small business ERP software developed for ease of use. It is being actively developed by a team of programmers familiar with the needs of small buisnesses.

Geebis features customer management, purchase orders, bill paying, invoice generation, and many more features to make your small buisness work for you.


Follow the development of Geebis at the Geebis Blog

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Click here access the Geebis Books javadoc.

The Geebis Handbook

Here is where the documentation should go. Not sure how crazy we are going to get. Perhaps some nice docbook structured documentation.


Follow the development of Geebis at the Geebis Blog

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Here is where the forums should go. Other Geebis users can help you once we get some.


Follow the development of Geebis at the Geebis Blog

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Sorry no downloads yet.


Follow the development of Geebis at the Geebis Blog

Join the development on Google Code